

Mood & Motivation
People who do nothing while waiting somewhere for something, and then get bored and complain all the time really irritate me. If you have such an empty life that you absolutely have nothing you can do besides checking social media while waiting somewhere for an hour, of course you get bored. But we shouldn’t judge people, right? Everyone has their reasons in the end. True, but one should still be careful, because this attitude of “everybody has their reasons” (more…)
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How Did Making My Mom Cry Teach Me A Life Lesson

How Did Making My Mom Cry Teach Me A Life Lesson

Mood & Motivation
I don’t remember how old I was back then – however, more than likely, I was four or five years old. Anyhow, in my memory, my younger sister, our mother, and I were in our living room.  My sister and I was chasing each other, jumping around, and making a lot of noise. My mother was trying to do something important, but, I am not sure exactly what it was - I think she was talking on the phone with someone about an important topic. Let’s assume it was an important phone call for now, it doesn’t really matter. It was clear that she needed quiet. She used to work at a bank and come home around 8pm every night. After another exhausting day, she also had to deal with…
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Nutrition Bars

Nutrition Bars

I am a big advocate of eating less and more often. And I get that it is hard to find some healthy food to eat every two hour or so among all that rushing in the 40-hour workweek lifestyle. I personally achieve this by getting a lot help from these things called snack bars, or granola bars, or protein bars, or power bars, or breakfast bars, or meal replacement bars, or whatever bars they are called. Here is a table that compares most common ones. (more…)
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Laptop on a Hammock

Laptop on a Hammock

I enjoy going to an electronics store, such as, Best Buy or Micro Center and checking out all sorts of new electronic devices. I can spend hours doing that. But during this particular Best Buy trip, I wasn’t happy at all. We were trying to find a new laptop for my sister. I was trying to pick the laptop that was most suitable to her needs, based on the technical specs, while she was just trying to pick one based on how it looks. After two hours, I was very frustrated as she didn’t like any laptop I picked, she claimed they were all ugly. And I didn’t like any laptop she picked as they were either not worth the price or had terrible specs. This was about three years…
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Kindle or No Kindle

Kindle or No Kindle

I believe that this is my favorite among all other products that I have on this website. I don’t think anything will beat this, at least in the short term. I am talking about my Kindle Paperwhite. I was packing my luggage for a 10 hour flight when I said to myself, for the first time, I need an e-reader. The books I have in my luggage were just not leaving enough room for the rest of my stuff that I needed to pack. They were not even books that I was planning to read. I had already read them - I was taking them back to my parents’ mini - library. Our family and I have this thing about keeping all our books at my parents’ house, in their…
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